Core Areas

Core Areas

Petroleum Policy Development

It is essential for all countries to agree on the principles for the development and use of their natural resources.  This should be reflected in a petroleum policy and secured through stakeholder consultations.  Bridge has assisted countries including Uganda, South Sudan and Ghana in this process.

Development of legal framework

Bridge Consult work closely with legal firms in the process of establishing a comprehensive legal framework.  Bridge Consult take a leading role in the development of regulations and guidelines that provide addtional technical input.  Bridge Consult has extensive expereice on the development of alternative contracts that may be used between the Government and IOCs including PSA and Concessions.

Management of Oil and Gas Resources

It is the responsibility of the Government to have a comprehensive overview of the total petroleum resources and develop and maintain a resource account.  Bridge Consult will provide necessary assistance in the mapping process and for establishment of the resource account.  During the production phase a key focus of the Government is to ensure that the recovery from the fields are optimised.  The experts from Bridge Consult will give advice on the reservoir management and measures to enhance the recovery.

Environmental Management

It is essential for the sustainable management of the natural resources that the envrionmental and social concerns are identified and adressed.  The experts from Bridge Consult can advice and support preparation of SEAs, develope guidelines and  analyse EIAs received from the companies. 

Data Management

It is essential for sustainable

reource management that complete data are collected and managed.  This will include systems for reporting, storing, retrieving and accessibility of all petroleum related data.  Bridge Consult has extensive expereince on data management processes and systems.

Institutional structure and organisational development

The institutional structure should be defined based on a funtional analysis of the policy, regulative and commercial responsibilities of the Government. The development of the institutions should be based on the expected sector development. Policies and recruitment, retention and Traning Needs Analysis will be important step in the development.

Fiscal framework and economic management

The goal of the Government should be to capture the economic rent from the exploitation of the petroleum resources.  Bridge Consult has extensive experience

in working on the fiscal framework and recommend appropriate structure. It is also essential for the government to exercise control on the cost of the development and operation.  Bridge Consult will provide advise on the devlopment of systems, routines and procedures.

Field Development and Operations

Bridge Consult will be able to provide technical advise to the Government for all activities within the upstream and midstream part of the petroleum value chain.  This may include to provide advise concerning the Plan for Development and Operation submitted by the IOCs.  It may further include advise on issues during production and on termination of production and the decommissioning.


Safety is an integrated part of all petroleum operations and provide the foundation for exploration and eploitation of oil and gas. The experts of Bridge Consult may provide advice on the development of the safety framework and the authorities’ follow-up of HSE issues and preparedness.  Development of procedures, management systems and organisations may be other areas for advice.